
Swallow Doretti
Cars and Owners

Chassis No.1216

Present location and owner unknown

Swallow Doretti - No.1216

Swallow Doretti, Chassis No.1216 was first registered in Northern Ireland as TZ 1887 on 11th November 1954.

The next report of the vehicle comes from Simon Seath who owned it from 1975 to 1977.

Chassis No1216 was exported from Southampton, England on 20th Jan 1977 to Newark, NJ. USA.

After the car's arrival in the USA it was bought by Kevin McLemore, then a student at Syracuse University.

Kevin says, "I bought it from a guy who had purchased a bunch of Ferraris from Europe. He thought it was an Italian car, too. When he discovered it wasn't, he put it in the NY Times for sale at $500. I was in school at Syracuse University and saw the ad when I was reading the papers. I drove down to NJ and bought it. He kept all those lovely Ferraris in chicken coops - I kid you not - and there were dozens of the cars there - I'd never seen so many Ferraris in one place ever before - or since. The Doretti was largely complete, but needed tons of work - it was pretty badly rusted underneath - but it still drove. I drove it home, in fact, even with a dodgy generator. But because I could not locate a replacement front grille and the work to make one would have been horrendously expensive for me, a college kid, I decided to enjoy it for a short while, then sell it on."

Kevin McLemore of Ambler, Pennsylvania sold No.1216 in 1982.

Vehicle re-appeared in August 2006 after twenty years off the road. Present location and owner not known.

 ...Thanks to Kevin McLemore for his information.

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